Mow Against the Grain
Well, friends, it's hard to believe that my First Norwood Anniversary has come and gone. Some days it feels like I've been here a month, other days it feels like I've been here half my life.
There was a lot of hullabaloo on my anniversary weekend--so much so that I forgot to take note of it. My parents, sister, and brother-in-law were here to help spruce up Rancho Deluxe a little, and my friend Stacey came out for a visit from L.A.

Stacey mentioned how scared she had been for me last year, when it seemed like I was completely uprooting my life to go live in a tiny town without a good job lined up and far from my friends. She was able to see for herself that everything worked out ok.
I was finally able to do a bit of reflecting on the past year as I was mowing my new backyard with my new Honda lawnmower around the deck housing my new propane grill. (I think having a house to take care of brings out the inner-Hank Hill in me. Of course, Hank's lucky enough to have a riding mower. I'm stuck pushing mine. Did I mention that I don't believe I've ever had to push a lawnmower before? It's amazing how much bigger the yard seems as soon as I pull the mower out.) I have to say, I think my lawnmower helps separate the men from the boys--there are those who really admire it, and then there are those who glance at it curiously & hope they won't be asked to touch it.
And to be perfectly honest, I was feeling a bit glum because I had just been unceremoniously dumped by a fellow I was dating. Although our courtship was very short-lived, it was one that I felt had great potential. (Of course, we all know I've been wrong about that before.) But a night or two after the realization that this guy wasn't going to be calling me again, I had a dream in which every friend of mine in Telluride came up to me & hugged me. I could palpibly feel myself being soothed by their collective good will as I slept. And when I awoke I realized that I had been gifted a vision of truth--that no single person can emotionally hurt me because there's a wonderful majority that embraces me just as I am.
I still can't believe I've accomplished so much in 1 year, when it seemed like I was getting very little accomplished in L.A. Much to my surprise (and delight) I actually achieved 4 major goals within 12 months: I found a great job (I mean 3), I made more time for myself (even with the 3 jobs!), I bought a house, and I have a bunch of great friends looking out for me.
I'm even hangin' with a new man already. He's got soft red hair, big brown eyes, and a cute little backside that just won't quit. And he cries when I leave him. I'd like to introduce you all to Joe--

I had a strange feeling I'd meet someone special as soon as I bought my house. I just didn't realize he'd have 4 legs! (And that I would have to engage in potty-training...)
Hank Hill says you should "mow against the grain" for a better lawn. I have no idea how to determine the "grain" of a lawn. I only know how to mow against the grain of normality for a better life. Maybe I should make one of my goals for next year to find a man who not only admires my lawnmower, but would find great pleasure in taking it for a spin around my yard every weekend. Let him figure out which way the grain goes!
In the meantime, I'll just keep repeating my profoundly true motto from last year: Life Is Good.