Live From Telluride
Oh, it was chilly yesterday morning--20 degrees at 9am. I had to scrape ice off my windshield for the first time in years. (Good thing I saved that scraper!) But once the morning chill burned off, the days here were beautiful. The thermometer said 50 degrees, but it felt like 65. Therefore, no jackets required until about 5pm. Ben Kerr at Koto Radio called it the "January Thaw"--spring-like conditions that tease and cajole until winter comes back with a vengeance in February. I'm enjoying it. I went to Norwood, CO (the actual location of my future home) on Tuesday and the La Sal

Later on I hung out with my friend Dan at his pizza place--Brown Dog Pizza. Ummm, pizza.
Yesterday I did some more hanging out with good friends. Chris and I had lunch (thanks Chris!) and then checked out the spanking new indoor ice skating rink. So much fun!

Then Bo and I had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants--The Cosmopolitan (thanks Bo!)--before heading to the Nugget to see The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. There was a full moon this week, which lit up the mountains as well as the sun does during the day. I hate to pack up and go so soon, but it looks like it's going to snow. Besides, I'll be back.
And, of course, thanks always to Jim Bedford and Luci Reeve for providing warm shelter!
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