Chaos, Panic & Disorder
"Chaos, panic, disorder... my work here is done."
So the saying goes, but so far only the 1st part of the statement is applicable to my life at this moment. I have 8 days left, and about 38 items left on my "Things To Do" list (none of which, by the way, include packing). I feel like a whirling dervish of insanity, which is actually a good thing because it makes what's waiting for me look that much better--a quiet house, a town that actually sleeps at night, green grass, no traffic.
I did manage to knock a couple of things off my "Things To Do Before I Leave L.A." list. Two weeks ago I went to the Magic Castle with my friends Stacey, Ken, and Bryan. The magicians (and the company!) were great that night. My favorite magicians were Gregory Wilson & Shawn McMaster. I was even an assistant for Shawn! A big thanks to Steve Moyer for helping make such a wonderful night possible!
Frankie Manning, 6/11/05

Shout 'n' Feel It

I also participated in my 1st Southern California-based swing camp--Swing Camp Pasadena. 91-year old Frankie Manning came by to teach some fancy moves, and there was a fabulous Swedish troupe--Shout 'n' Feel It--who put on at least 2 shows that weekend. (You can see some of their amazing performances here.) I danced from Friday night through Sunday night, and I was exhausted! But it was worth every minute!
And last Monday Jenny took me to Disneyland!!!

On a much sadder note, my friend (& mechanic) Ryan Ito passed away suddenly at the too-tender age of 55. (You can find him listed in my very 1st blog under things I love about L.A.) He was a great guy--unbelievably hard-working & honest, with a great sense of humor & compassion. I'm so glad I got to tell him just last month about a disagreement my friend Fred and I were having over whose mechanic was best. Turns out we were both talking about Ryan. I'm really going to miss him.
This is going to be my last blog before I move. There's a total crunch on time right now, so once I get to Colorado I'll be able to reminisce more fully on my good friends, my good-bye dinner, and my last dance.
Onward and upward!
I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed this sweetie. Keep up the good work. Good luck on your move. Got you postcard today and had to get in here to look at your Blog. Let us know when you are all settled in.
Aunt Carol
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